How to Use Editable Resources in All Access

This article will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to find, download, and edit all of the editable resources that can be found in the All Access Membership Library. Let's dive in and discover how to unlock the full potential of editable resources!

Locate the file you would like to use within the All Access membership library.

The editable resources have a yellow “editable” word on the product image. Note: The following directions do not apply to products with other yellow words on the image such as “autofill,” “PowerPoint,” etc.

Click the “download” button. The file will download straight to your computer, not in another browser window or tab.

Locate the downloaded file on your computer. Open using PowerPoint. 

    1. If you do not have PowerPoint installed on your computer, you can also try using Keynote (Mac). 
    2. Another option is to upload the PowerPoint file to Google Drive and then open with Google Slides.

After opening the file using PowerPoint or one of the options above, click in the text boxes to edit the text as you like. You can also add more text boxes if needed, adjust text size, text color, font, shape size, etc.

Note: Clipart images and borders or other graphics are not editable due to the clipart artists’ terms of use.

After you have made the edits, click on “Save as.” Save your file as a PDF. This will ensure that everything on the document prints correctly.

Open the PDF file and print!

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