How to Create Custom Bundles in All Access
What is the bundling tool? And, how do you use it? I’m glad you asked!
What is the Bundling Tool?
Oftentimes, when grabbing resources from All Access, teachers are looking for a specific resource; one quick download. Other times, teachers are planning and prepping for a teaching unit, class party, or other event. In these instances, they might create lists, which is a great way to save favorite or themed resources. (If you don’t know how to make lists of your favorite AA resources yet, check out THIS article.)
When teachers have selected multiple resources they want to download all at once, this is where the bundling tool comes in. This tool will bundle all selected resources into one download!
Note: The bundling tool is accessible to basic AND deluxe members. It is not accessible with a trial plan.
How do you use the Bundling Tool?
- Log in to your All Access unlimited download membership.
- Search for the resources you want to bundle.
Under each resource, you will now see both a heart to save to a list AND a paperclip to bundle the resources.
- Click the paperclip for each of the resources you wish to bundle.
4. When you are done adding resources to the bundle, click on the large pink paperclip in the bottom right side of your All Access library.
5. This will take you to your bundled resources.
6. Click “Create Bundle”.
7. A PDF of your resources will be created.
8. Then, you can either remove those items from your bundled list, or keep adding to it!
Please note that the maximum size of a bundle is 240mb. If you have reached the max size, a message will pop up on your screen to notify you that your bundle has reached max size.
How to Download Entire Bundles
How to download in a new tab vs. download straight to computer
Browsers like Chrome and Safari want to be helpful and open things in a new tab because it loads faster, and “it provides a more user-friendly experience by allowing users to navigate to different websites without losing their current page.” Their default setting for downloading a file is in a new tab. BUT users can change this. Here are Chrome directions:
- Go to the three dots in the top right corner of your browser.
- Click on settings.
- Click on Privacy and security.
- Click on Site settings.
- Click on Additional content settings.
- Click on PDF documents.
- Toggle to select either download PDFS (straight to computer) or open PDFs in Chrome (new tab).
Happy teaching!