My File Won't Open! Help!

Make sure the file you want to open has downloaded completely. Large files vary in how long they take to download, depending on the size of the file and the speed of your internet connection. 

Bundles in particular often consist of large ZIP files that may take longer to download. And if you’re using a school computer, please remember that some schools have downloading restrictions. If you’re having problems opening a file at school, you should contact a network administrator or download and open the file from your home computer.

How to download in a new tab vs. download straight to computer

Browsers like Chrome and Safari want to be helpful and open things in a new tab because it loads faster, and “it provides a more user-friendly experience by allowing users to navigate to different websites without losing their current page.” Their default setting for downloading a file is in a new tab. BUT users can change this. Here are Chrome directions:

  1. Go to the three dots in the top right corner of your browser.
  2. Click on settings.
  3. Click on Privacy and security.
  4. Click on Site settings.
  5. Click on Additional content settings.
  6. Click on PDF documents.
  7. Toggle to select either download PDFS (straight to computer) or open PDFs in Chrome (new tab).

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